Arpan mitra is a charity organization which helps in providing education ,food ,health care and basic non-essential items to children. It aims to give a nurturing environment where children can grow, learn, and thrive, ensuring a brighter future for them. Slum to School is a transformative initiative dedicated to providing quality education to underprivileged children in slum communities.

children need food to prevent malnutrition, support growth, boost immunity, and improve learning. Proper nutrition helps them stay healthy and break the cycle of poverty.

children need empowerment to build confidence, develop there skills and create opportunities for a better life

children need education for gain knowledge, build a better future, and improve their quality of life
Helped drop -out door children continue Education through OBE schemes of NIOS

In a door -to- door survey , it is observed that due to many reasons education of most of the poor children is lift in the middle. We try to convince the parents of such students who drop out of school to get their children enrolled though OBE scheme of NIOS to continue their education further . AIM of our project is to reach the school -dropouts, out -of -school ,and all those who have been left out of the mainstream formal education system on accounts of poverty and lack of opportunity

Slum Door to Door Survey
The dedicated group of member / volunteers surveys the road and slum areas nearby the venue to identify the persons who need the basic education However ,it requires discussions with the parents for making them understand the importance of education which will ensure their children knowledge and wisdom . the target group includes inter alia the child laborers and the child rag pickers and the children who are left unattended by the workers who are involved in building and road construction.
About Us
Arpan mitra sngam dedicated to educating underprivileged childern was founded in 2014 with active support of likeminded friends and colleagues to provide basic education to the children elonging to poorest of poor families . we were hightly honoured by mr.navin gulia an Ex -Army officer ,president nationalrole model Award winner and renowened social worker who was kind enough to inaugurate the functionin 2014. with the effrots of our dedicate team Arpan mitra sangam was registeret with delhi Govt.(Registration No:S/1913/Distt.South /2015)